Ceramica Cleopatra Group

Extraordinary marble suggestions

Diva Golden View details
Moon Light View details
Diva Silver View details
Caldia White View details
Space Light View details
Super Zahira View details
Esplender White View details
Astrid Dark Grey View details
Agatha Gold View details
Soraya Grey View details
Azalia Ivory View details
Azalia Grey View details
Ashly White View details
Lorinzo-kitchen View details
Astra White View details
Adua - Kitchen View details
Super Agatha Kitchen View details
Catania Kitchen View details
Super Agatha View details
Tacos Onix View details
Fancy White View details
Azalia Kitchen View details
Super Astrid View details


Large, refined and welcoming spaces to introduce you in Cleopatra’s experience and in the world of its superior ceramic tile and sanitary ware collections.